Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gyrocopter!! in dota 6.68

Default Twister, The Gyrocopter

Twister - the representative race gnomes, the miners, the most advanced in terms of technology. A few years built a first class masters "miracle technology" - the helicopter. But the night before the test machine at a camp of miners attacked the troops of undead. All were killed, and only one Twister managed to escape, flying off to the miracle-helicopter. He vowed to take revenge for the murder of his undead brethren and this will help him to "iron dragon".

Basic information:

Strength: 17, 1.9
Agility (basic option): 21, 2.5
Intellect: 15, 1.8

Health: 473
Mana: 195

Attack: 44-46 (long-range battle)
Movement speed: 300
Armor: 3

Tavern - Sentinel Agility

Hero's abilities:

Poison Bomb

Twister throws down poisonous bomb, which explodes, causing damage to enemies, as well as the poison spreads at a distance of 600 from the explosion site. Enemy units that have fallen under the action of the poison will be slowed by 25%.

Mana Cost: 110/150/210/250
Cooldown: 20 seconds

1. The shells inflict 120 damage
2. The shells inflict 180 damage
3. The shells inflict 260 damage
4. The shells inflict 300 damage


Twister activates special protection, under the influence of which he had for a few seconds to become invulnerable to attack enemy buildings.

Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 35/30/25/20 seconds

1. Valid 4 seconds
2. Effective 6 seconds
3. Effective 8 seconds
4. Valid for 10 seconds

Shallow Defense

Twister neglect the protection before the fight, but when it comes under enemy attack begins to rapidly strengthen armor. Each caused by enemy attack Twister gives him some armor. When Twister stop attack, extra armor is valid for another 20 seconds (Passive Skill).

1. 0.2 armor for shock
2. 0.3 armor for shock
3. 0.5 armor for shock
4. 0.7 armor for shock


Twister is able to take on board the helicopter of any single union of the hero. Taken on board an ally becomes immune to physical and magic attacks, can not use abilities and may withdraw from the helicopter itself, or when the Twister will be killed. When the hero is on board he has increased health regeneration by 5 x / sec. If you take on board the hero is type of attack "distant battle", then Twister increases base damage, damage to ½ units take on board the hero.

1. 250 Mana, 60 sec cooldown
2. 200 Mana, 40 sec cooldown
3. 150 Mana, 20 sec cooldown

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dota version 6.68

Dota 6.68 is out! 
Notable changes:
4 New Heroes!
Wisp, Thrall, Eredar, Gyrocopter
2 New Items!
Arcane Boots (replacing Arcane Ring)
Orb of Venom

Dota 6.68 with a hugelist changelogs. There was a big chance of having bugs in it.

so pandai2 la maen..
yg penting skill gyrocopter x msuk akal..
terlalu gay!! ouch..
featuring dis hero making dota become hard game..
1st game tdi maen 83minutes..
ppl picking 4 new hero.. other onli furion, pudge n techies.. omg..
got some headache, n forcing team playing BD..
longest game n ever..

in memory 28 July 2010, at 10.30pm start game~

Latest Map: 6.68
Random Mirror

Download as zip
Language: English
Date: 2010-07-28
MD5: 478996696c8d50b65c46ce5c5b999eb3
Changelog: View Details

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tips Penjagaan Rambut!!!

Anda mungkin mengalami masalah rambut jika pemakanan anda tidak mempunyai cukup sesetengah nutrien. Misalnya, rambut yang kering atau tidak bermaya mungkin disebabkan oleh kekurangan biotin, iaitu sejenis nutrien yang didapati dalam kacang-kacang, buah-buahan, tomato dan susu. Kerosakan rambut yang drastik juga boleh berlaku jika anda mempunyai gangguan cara makan, seperti anoreksia atau bulimia. Jadi, makanlah dengan sihat untuk mendapat rambut yang cantik, berkilat dan sihat!

Cara yang senang untuk menjaga rambut anda:

  • Gunakan jenis syampu yang sesuai untuk jenis rambut anda.
  • Urut dengan lembut apabila mencuci rambut anda, jangan menggosoknya.
  • Jagalah rambut anda dengan baik. Jangan mengeritingkan, menyah-warnakan, meniupkeringkan, meluruskan atau mewarnakan rambut anda terlalu banyak.
  • Jagalah rambut anda daripada terlalu banyak sinaran matahari atau air klorin.
  • Makan dengan sihat, bersenam selalu dan jangan merokok atau minum alkohol.
  • Jika anda mengalami masalah rambut, seperti keguguran rambut, pergilah berjumpa doktor untuk merawatinya.